英:['pɜ:snəlˌɪzm] 美: ['pɜsənəlˌɪzəm]
personalism 基本解释
Personalism is a philosophical school of thought searching to describe the uniqueness of a human person in the world of nature, specifically in relation to animals. One of the main points of interest of personalism is human subjectivity or self-consciousness, experienced in a person's own acts and inner happenings—in "everything in the human being that is internal, whereby each human being is an eye witness of its own self".以上来源于:Wikipedia
personalism 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- This paper argues that his philosophical anthropology was a continuing development of his ethical personalism posed in his early ethical theories.
本文论证其哲学人类学实是舍氏伦理学提出的伦理人格主义的发展和完成。 - The personalism language education dioughts of Liang Qichao reflects the educational substance in language, adjusting the trend of the history development.
Personalism.PersonalismPersonalismRelational PersonalismSenegal: The Return of Personalism3. Retrieving the Dynamic Personalism of AquinasPersonalism and moral leadership: the servant leader with a transforming visionInter-personalism: Toward a goal-based theory of persons in relationships.Bayesian personalism, the methodology of scientific research programmes, and Duhem's problemPersonalism, Particularism, and the Competitive Behaviors and Advantages of Family Firms: An IntroductionIntegrating Personalism into Virtue-Based Business Ethics: The Personalist and the Common Good PrinciplesFormalism in Ethics and Non-Formal Ethics of Values: A New Attempt Toward the Foundation of an Ethical PersonalismBeyond individual and group differences: Human individuality, scientific psychology, and William Stern's critical personalism.