personality-job fit theory
英:[ˌpɚsəˈnælɪti dʒɑb fɪt ˈθiəri]
personality-job fit theory 基本解释
personality-job fit theory 相关例句
Assessing the relationships of team personality, job satisfaction and team performance: team-organization fit and team-job fit as me...The Use of Personality Measures in Personnel Selection: The Person-Job Fit and Its Relationship to Leaders' Performance and BurnoutGap Analysis of Employability Skills of Entry Level Business Graduates Based on Job-Fit TheoryPerson-Job Fit Related to Psychological Type of Finnish Business Students and Managers: Implications for Change in the Management En...Performance and strain levels of it workers engaged in rapidly changing environments:a person-job fit perspectiveStudy on the Principles of Competitive Selection Based on Person-job Fit TheoryThe Construct and Countermeasures of High Vocational Colleges' Employment Model under the Person-Job Fit TheoryPerson-Job Fit: Do Job Characteristics Moderate the Relationship of Personality with Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational C...Job Characteristic Beliefs and Personality as Antecedents of Subjective Person–Job FitApplying fit theory to emotional labor:The effect of person-job fit to emotional labor and work outcomes.