personality test
英:[ˌpə:səˈnæliti test]
personality test 基本解释
personality test
n.any test that is intended to assess personality
personality test 相关例句
PERSONALITY TESTPersonality testPersonality TestThe meaning of personality test scores.A model of personality test item response dissimulation.Personality test scores as predictors of alcoholism almost a decade later.Structured personality test item characteristics and validity ☆A sixteen-factor personality test for predicting automobile driving accidents of young driversPLS model building: A multivariate approach to personality test dataA field study of frame-of-reference effects on personality test validity.QBF: Quick Big Five Persoonlijkheidstest Handleiding [Quick Big Five Personality Test Manual].The Munich personality test (MPT) — a short questionnaire for self-rating and relatives' rating of personality traits: Formal prope...Advancing Personality Assessment Terminology: Time to Retire "Objective"and "Projective"As Personality Test Descriptors.