英:[pɜ:'θɪtɪk] 美: [pɜ'θɪtɪk]
perthitic 相关例句
Elastic strain effects in coherent perthitic feldspars
Microtextural controls of weathering of perthitic alkali feldspars
The microstructures of perthitic alkali feldspars revealed by hydrofluoric acid etching
The evolution of twin patterns in perthitic K-feldspar from granitic pegmatites
On the association of perthitic microcline with highly undulant or granular quartz in some calcalkaline granites
A comparison of luminescence spectra and structural composition of perthitic feldspars
Transition from fracturing to viscous flow in granulite facies perthitic feldspar (Lofoten, Norway)
Investigating the contribution of recuperated TL to post-IR IRSL signals in a perthitic feldspar
Mechanism of construction-destruction of macrostructural patterns in perthitic microcline as complex systems
Development of microporosity, diffusion channels and deuteric coarsening in perthitic alkali feldspars