petitory 相关例句
petitory y所有权要求
petitory action 要求确立产权的诉讼 ; 翻译
petitory detail所有权要求
affirmative petitory action确权之诉
acknowledging petitory activity确权之诉
passive petitory action消极的确认之诉
Louisiana Practice - Application of the Exception of Res Judicata in Petitory ActionsAn historical study of petitory and possessory actions /Jak ptáci rozpoznávají predátory a kompetitoryBAKALÁŘSKÁ DIPLOMOVÁ PRÁCE BIOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA JIHOČESKÉ UNIVERZITY V ČESKÝCH BUDĚJOVICÍCH Jak ptáci rozpoznávají pred...Biological modifications of the vitreous in intraocular parasitosis: preliminary study[Characteristics of antibiotic prescription during office visits in the Hospital Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru].Three Interpretative Issues of the Legal Protection of PossessionCamera trap as a non-invasive tool in research on rare and elusive mammalsACÈšIUNEA ÃŽN GRÄ‚NIÈšUIREAcţiunea în grăniţuire