英:[petrəʊ'lɒdʒɪkl] 美: [petroʊ'lɒdʒɪkl]
petrological 基本解释
petrological 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- The rapakivi granites have a number of petrological peculiarities.
Petrological systematics of mid-ocean ridge basalts: Constraints on melt generation beneath ocean ridgesPetrological Systematics of Mid‐Ocean Ridge Basalts: Constraints on Melt Generation Beneath Ocean RidgesPetrological characterization of the source components of potassic magmas: geochemical and experimental constraintsComposition of the upper mantle: Geophysical tests of two petrological modelsAn internally consistent thermodynamic data set for phases of petrological interestActivity–composition relations for phases in petrological calculations: an asymmetric multicomponent formulationLow-T eclogite in the Dabie terrane of China: petrological and isotopic constraints on fluid activity and radiometric datingAn experimental investigation of the gabbro to eclogite transformation and its petrological applicationsAn improved and extended internally consistent thermodynamic dataset for phases of petrological interest, involving a new equation o...Mesozoic and cenozoic volcanic rocks from central and southern Tibet: 39 Ar- 40 Ar dating, petrological characteristics and geodynam...