phonated 相关例句
用作不及物动词(vi.)- Don't move and phonate ,just stand.
Normally phonated speech recovery from whispers by MELPMeasurement of phonated intervals during four fluency-inducing conditionsThe distribution of phonated intervals in the speech of individuals who stutter.The identifiability of isolated whispered and phonated vowel samplesReconstruction of Phonated Speech from Whispers Using Formant-Derived Plausible Pitch ModulationA study on the classification of whispered and normally phonated speechAdvancements in whisper-island detection within normally phonated audio streamsComparative Study of Male and Female Whispered and Phonated Versions of the Long Vowels of SwedishThe phonological voicing contrast in Czech: An EPG study of phonated and whispered fricativesFormant-frequency differences between isolated whispered and phonated vowel samples produced by adult female subjects.