phonating 相关例句
用作不及物动词(vi.)- Don't move and phonate ,just stand.
Ventricular pressures in phonating excised laryngesTotal laryngectomy with reconstruction of a 'phonating glottis'Research on the mechanism for phonating stressed English syllables based on DIVA modelWho is whistling? Localizing and identifying phonating dolphins in captivityLocalization and tracking of phonating finless porpoises using towed stereo acoustic data-loggersA pilot study on the evaluation of normal phonating function based on high-density sEMG topographic maps.In vivo cross-sectional imaging of the phonating larynx using long-range Doppler optical coherence tomographyOne-hydrophone method of estimating distance and depth of phonating dolphins in shallow water.A Bayesian method to estimate the depth and the range of phonating sperm whales using a single hydrophoneMeasuring the off-axis angle and the rotational movements of phonating sperm whales using a single hydrophone