英:['fəʊtəfəʊn] 美: ['foʊtoʊfoʊn]
photophone 基本解释
The photophone (later given the alternate name radiophone) is a telecommunications device which allowed for the transmission of speech on a beam of light. It was invented jointly by Alexander Graham Bell and his assistant Charles Sumner Tainter on February 19, 1880, at Bell's laboratory at 1325 L Street in Washington, D.以上来源于:Wikipedia
photophone 相关例句
PhotophonePhotophonePhotophoneTHE PHOTOPHONE.Photophone performancePhotoPhone entertainmentAlexander Graham Bell's PHOTOPHONENotes on the Construction of the PhotophoneXXXVIII. Notes on the construction of the photophoneA Tool for Scanning Document-Images with a Photophone or a DigicamA Tool for Scanning Document-Images with a Photophone or a DigicamA photophone-based remote nondestructive testing approach to interfacial defect detection in fiber-reinforced polymer-bonded systemsAlexander Graham Bell and the Photophone: The Centennial of the Invention of Light-Wave Communications, 1880–1980