英:[fɪkəmɪ'sets] 美: [fɪkəmɪ'sets]
phycomycetes 基本解释
n.a large and probably unnatural group of fungi and funguslike organisms comprising the Mastigomycota (including the Oomycetes) and Zygomycota subdivisions of the division Eumycota; a category not used in all systems同义词:Phycomycetes group
phycomycetes 相关例句
PhycomycetesPhycomycetesPhycomycetesAquatic PhycomycetesAquatic PhycomycetesBook Reviews: Aquatic PhycomycetesOpportunistic Fungal Infection of the Burn Wound With Phycomycetes and Aspergillus: A Clinical-Pathologic ReviewOn the induction of zoosporogenesis in the rumen phycomycetes Neocallimastix frontalis, Piromonas communis and Sphaeromonas communisCurrent trends of experimental research on the aquatic Phycomycetes.Degradation of Pollen by PhycomycetesBehaviour of Zoospores in Plant-Pathogenic PhycomycetesPredominantly holocarpic and eucarpic simple biflagellate PhycomycetesPhycomycetes (Phytophthora spp. nov. and Pythium sp. nov.) associated ...