英:['faɪtəʊkrəʊm] 美: ['faɪtəˌkroʊm]
phytochrome 基本解释
phytochrome 相关例句
Phytochrome A null mutants of Arabidopsis display a wild-type phenotype in white light.Cyclic GMP and calcium mediate phytochrome phototransductionPhytochrome a and Phytochrome B Have Overlapping but Distinct Functions in Arabidopsis DevelopmentSmith, H. Phytochrome and light signal perception by plants--an emerging synthesis. Nature 407, 585-591The phytochrome apoprotein family in Arabidopsis is encoded by five genes: the sequences and expression of PHYD and PHYEThe Root of Angiosperm Phylogeny Inferred from Duplicate Phytochrome GenesPIF3, a Phytochrome-Interacting Factor Necessary for Normal Photoinduced Signal Transduction, Is a Novel Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Prot...Novel phytochrome sequences in Arabidopsis thaliana: structure, evolution, and differential expression of a plant regulatory photore...THE FUNCTION OF PHYTOCHROME IN THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT—I. CHARACTERIZATION OF DAYLIGHT FOR STUDIES IN PHOTOMORPHOGENESIS AND P...Mutations in the gene for the red/far-red light receptor phytochrome B alter cell elongation and physiological responses throughout ...