英:['faɪtəʊsaɪd] 美: ['faɪtoʊsaɪd]
phytocide 基本解释
phytocide 相关例句
Aqueous suspension of phytocide sethoxydim and method of producing the sameStudy on establishing pasture with phytocide and sheep night penningStudy on Establishing or Improving Pasture with Phytocide TillageEffects of applying phytocide to a western woodland plant community in the north west of Cordoba province.Studies on establishment and improvement of artificial pasture with phytocide tillage.Repartition de la seve brute entre les jeunes rejets de bouleau etudiee a l'aide d'un phytocideRépartition de la sève brute entre les jeunes rejets de bouleau étudiée à l'aide d'un phytocideStudy of the distribution of crude sap between young birch coppice shoots by marking with a phytocideGenetic variability and structure of Canadian populations of Chondrostereum purpureum, a potential biophytocideCaractérisation du dépôt et de la dérive de trois arrangements d'un système de pulvérisation aérienne de phytocide en ...