Picea 相关例句
- Future application and research directions on somatic embryogenesis in Picea species are also recommended.
Stable Transformation of Picea glauca by Particle AccelerationDecomposition rate constants of Picea abies logs in southeastern NorwayDisturbance Dynamics of Old-Growth Picea rubens Forests of Northern MaineAssembling the 20 Gb white spruce (Picea glauca) genome from whole-genome shotgun sequencing data.Robust simple sequence repeat markers for spruce ( Picea spp.) from expressed sequence tagsSomatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from suspension cultures of Picea glauca (White spruce)Giesecke T, Bennett KD. The Holocene spread of Picea abies (L.) Karst. in Fennoscandia and adjacent areas. J Biogeogr 31: 1523-1548The development of somatic embryos in tissue cultures initiated from immature embryos of Picea abies (Norway Spruce)Canopy transpiration and water fluxes in the xylem of the trunk of Larix and Picea trees — a comparison of xylem flow, porometer an...STABLE CARBON ISOTOPES AS INDICATORS OF INCREASED WATER USE EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY IN WHITE SPRUCE (PICEA GLAUCA (MOENCH) VOSS)...