英:['paɪnsæp] 美: ['paɪnˌsæp]
pinesap 基本解释
pinesap[ 'pain,sæp ]
n.fleshy tawny or reddish saprophytic herb resembling the Indian pipe and growing in woodland humus of eastern North America; in some classifications placed in a separate genus Hypopitys同义词:false beachdropsMonotropa hypopithys
pinesap 相关例句
Pinesap, Monotropa hypopithys, new to the flora of Manitoba
Transcriptome-Wide Characterization of the MADS-Box Family in Pinesap Monotropa hypopitys Reveals Flowering Conservation in Non-pho...
An overview of results of processes impacting near-surface atmospheric pollutants (PINESAP) from the mid-Atlantic United States
PineSAP—sequence alignment and SNP identification pipeline
Relation between the permeability and the anatomy of jack pine sapwood with stand development
The Dimensional Stabilisation of Corsican Pine Sapwood by Reaction with Carboxylic Acid Anhydrides. The Effect of Chain Length
Dimensional Changes in Corsican Pine Sapwood due to Chemical Modification with Linear Chain Anhydrides
Use of sodium dithionite for controlling kiln brown stain development in radiata pine sapwood.
Penetration of amino-silicone micro- and macro-emulsions into Scots pine sapwood and the effect on water-related properties
Leaching of CCA-C from jack pine sapwood in compost.