pioneering spirit
英:[ˌpaiəˈniəriŋ ˈspirit]
pioneering spirit 基本解释
pioneering spirit 相关例句
Pioneering spiritPioneering SpiritPIONEERING SPIRITAlice Childress: A Pioneering Spirit.A pioneering spirit: using administrative metadata to manage electronic resourcesOn the Pioneering Spirit from the Perspective of National Spirit and Time SpiritBring That Pioneering Spirit Back! A 25-Year Perspective on the Vascular StentConsiderations of the Cultivation of Pioneering Spirit in University StudentsCore of Red Boat Spirit as Pioneering Spirit with Features of Creating a New World and Taking the LeadResearch into the incubator of undertaking in colleges and universities and pioneering spirit educationMaking innovation in a pioneering spirit and scoring more glorious achievements——A preliminary discussion on the 1∶250000 regiona...To make Journal of Integrative Plant Biology to be a top quality journal in China by following pioneering spiritOn the Development of Local Universities under the Guidance of "Three Spirits"——Pioneering Spirit,Innovative Spirit and Striving-f...