piousness 相关例句
religious piousness宗教虔诚
piousness to Christians宗教虔诚
"Your writings, my child,"the Guru'svoicesounded behind me, "liveinpiousness.
Heemploysintense and difficult physical movementstostimulatetheextremefeelingsofself-sacrificeandirreligiouspiousness.
Among the emotional expression of thewhitesnowflakes,piousness falls down forblessing theworld,carryingphilanthropy to clear awaythesmoky dust…
[Functions of ecstatic piousness in the Pentecost movement]Piousness and Family Representation with the Sporcks' Estate Hermanuv Mestec in the 1st Half of the 18th CenturyPolygamy, piousness, and the practice of medicine: Understanding Brigham Young and the predominance of female medical providers in e...The World of Iniquity and the World of Piousness (Comenius´s belief in justice and in happy future of the mankind)A Question for Piousness, Not Obedience : A Necessity for Religious Thinking on Environmental Problems(Philosophical View on the Env...The Social System Safeguard for the Long Standing of Traditional Virtue of PiousnessTHE ROLE OF A RELIGIOUS NARRATIVE IN THE FOUNDATION OF FEMALE PIOUSNESS: LEGITIMIZATION OF HIERARCHICAL RELATIONSThe Role of a Religious Narratıve in ihe Foundatıon of Female Piousness: Legitimization of Hierarchical Relations[A good start for future reformation in rebus medicis". Georg Ernst Stahl's medical theory and piousness of the 18th century].French Public Accepting of Religious and Ethnic Minorities; But most are uncomfortable with outward signs of piousness.(Survey)