英:['paɪpɪdʒ] 美: ['paɪpɪdʒ]
pipeage 基本解释
pipeage 相关例句
Effects of Stagnation Time, Pipe Age, Pipes Materials and Water Quality Parameters on the Concentrations of Lead in Some Algerian Dr...Pipelinage de signal dans un processeur vectoriel synchroneH2) The research on pipe age of Building drainage systems assessment and visualization of the design tactics for decision-making toolRoll Away the Reel World: James Joyce and CinemaNumerical simulation of three-dimensional flows in water storage tanks - Application to Norra Ugglarps Reservoirs in South SwedenOptimal pipe replacement strategy based on break rate prediction through genetic programming for water distribution networkBayesian Belief Networks for predicting drinking water distribution system pipe breaksThe Effect of Pipe Ageing of Different Diameter And Pressure On Residual ChlorineDetection of Patterns in Water Distribution Pipe Breakage Using Spatial Scan Statistics for Point Events in a Physical NetworkPipe failure predictions in drinking water systems using satellite observations