英:['pɪsɪkʌltʃə] 美: ['pɪsɪˌkʌltʃə]
pisciculture 基本解释
pisciculture 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Become the pisciculture upstart of famed library area.
Poissons, pêche et pisciculture à MadagascarIntegrated vermi-pisciculture--an alternative option for recycling of solid municipal waste in rural IndiaTraité de pisciculture. EnglishLipid nutrition and fish oil replacement by vegetable oils in pisciculture.Essai d'identification de deux vibrions isolés dans une zone de piscicultureRelargage du phosphore à l'interface eau-sédiment dans des étangs de pisciculture de la station Deroua (Béni Mellal, Maroc)Monogeneans of fish farms and their importance in modern methods of pisciculture.Acclimatization of Ayungin to Different Water Salinity Levels as Basis for Promoting Pisciculture as a Sustainable LivelihoodFood web influences on fish population responses to instream flowAllozyme diversity of European freshwater crayfish of the genus Austropotamobius [Austropotamobius pallipes, Austropotamobius italic...