英:['pɪskəʊ] 美: ['pɪskoʊ]
pisco 基本解释
Pisco is a colorless or yellowish-to-amber colored grape brandy produced in winemaking regions of Peru and Chile.Pisco definition in Concise Oxford Dictionary, Wordreference.以上来源于:Wikipedia
pisco 相关例句
Cenozoic marine sedimentation in the Sechura and Pisco basins, PeruOligocene deposition and Cenozoic sequence boundaries in the Pisco Basin (Peru)Shear wave anisotropy beneath the Andes from the BANJO, SEDA, and PISCO experimentsSource model of the 2007 Mw 8.0 Pisco, Peru earthquake: Implications for seismogenic behavior of subduction megathrustsLes vertébrés fossiles de la Formation Pisco (Pérou). Troisième partie: Les odontocètes (Cetacea, Mammalia) miocènesLes Vertébrés fossiles de la Formation Pisco (Pérou). Troisième partie: Les Odontocètes (Cetacea, Mammalia) du MiocèneLes Vertébrés fossiles de la Formation Pisco (Pérou). Deuxième partie: Les Odontocètes (Cetacea, Mammalia) du Pliocène inféri...De Vries T. J. — Oligocene deposition and Cenozoic sequence boundaries in the Pisco Basin (Peru). Journal of South American Earth S...The cranial anatomy of Thalassocnus (Xenarthra, Mammalia), a derived nothrothere from the Neogene of the Pisco Formation (Peru)Origin of the white shark Carcharodon (Lamniformes: Lamnidae) based on recalibration of the Upper Neogene Pisco Formation of Peru