英:[plə'senti:] 美: [plə'senti]
placentae 相关例句
Differential expression of microRNAs in the placentae of Chinese patients with severe pre-eclampsia.Comparative Developmental Anatomy of the Murine and Human Definitive PlacentaeHistopathological findings in placentae from patients with intra-uterine fetal death and anti-phospholipid antibodies.Distribution of |[beta]|2 microglobulin and HLA in chorionic villi of human placentaeLow-dose aspirin: Lack of association with an increase in abruptio placentae or perinatal mortality **MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGES OF THE SPIRAL ARTERIES IN THE PLACENTAE BED IN RELATION TO PRE‐ECLAMPSIA AND FETAL GROWTH RETARDATIONBlunt abdominal trauma: are there any predictive factors for abruptio placentae or maternal-fetal distress?Increased biological oxidation and reduced anti-oxidant enzyme activity in pre-eclamptic placentaeRisk factors for preeclampsia, abruptio placentae, and adverse neonatal outcomes among women with chronic hypertension. National Ins...Purification, Characterization, and in vitro Differentiation of Cytotrophoblasts from Human Term Placentae*