英:['plænjʊlə] 美: ['plænjʊlə]
planular 相关例句
PLANULAR SANDWICH-STRUCTURED BODYPLANULAR SANDWICH-STRUCTURED BODYPre-planular external development in the brooding coral Agaricia humilisBracelet with hinged arms biased by a planular springObservations on the settling behavior of planular larvae of Chrysaora quinquecirrhaThe settlement behavior of the planular larvae of the hermatypic coral Favia fragrum (Esper). J Exp Mar Biol EcolDispersal of the Solitary Coral Balanophyllia Elegans by Demersal Planular LarvaeCharacterization of a RFamide-positive subset of ganglionic cells in the hydrozoan planular nerve netEFFECTS OF FOUR VARYING TEMPERATURES ON THE PLANULAR SETTLEMENT AND ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION OF THE TROPICAL UPSIDE-DOWN JELLYFISH, Cas...Reproduction in Anthelia glauca (Octocorallia: Xeniidae). II. Transmission of algal symbionts during planular brooding