PO Box 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Please do not use P.O. Box as your address.
收件地址请勿填写为邮政信箱。 - I'd like to get a post office box.
AUTOMATIC REGISTERED MAIL SERVICE FOR THE “AUTOMATIC PO BOX SYSTEM”COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro PO Box 68516, 21945-970 Rio de Janeiro RJ,BrazilVincent P. Barranco, MD, editor 2121 East 21st Street PO Box 52588 Tulsa, OK 74152-0588John Rice Senior Lecturer in Management Central Queensland University PO Box 1319 Gladstone Qld 4680 AUSTRALIADesign and Analysis of Shell Structures Farshad M. Kluwer Academic, PO Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 1992. 415...Average energy required to produce an ion pair : ICRU Report 31, 1979, ICRU Publications, PO Box 30165, Washington, DC 20014, U.S.A...Dir: UbaysiFarouk . Prod: KhajaNazir and MatinBashir for Islamic Information Services, PO Box 6220. Altadena, CA 91003-6220. Tel: 80...Recent development in finned tube heat exchangers: theoretical and practical aspects DTI, Energy Technology, PO Box 141, DK2630 Taas...Reviews : The Guiltless Gourmet, by Judy Gilliard and Joy Kirkpatrick, RD (1987). Diabetes Center, Inc, PO Box 739, Wayzata, MN 5539...Airframe Stress Analysis and Sizing â Second edition. Niu M.C.Y. Distributed by Adaso/Adastra Engineering Center, PO Box 35...