pompanos 相关例句
Any of various tropical marinefoodfishes of the familyCarangidae,whichincludes thejacksandpompanos.
First multilocus and densely sampled timetree of trevallies, pompanos and allies (Carangoidei, Percomorpha) suggests a Cretaceous or...Multi-gene phylogeny of jacks and pompanos (Carangidae), including placement of monotypic vadigo Campogramma glaycos.IMMUNE RESPONSE AND IMMUNOPROTECTION OF POMPANOS (TRACHINOTUS OVATUS) AGAINST CRYPTOCARYON IRRITANSJacks and scads (bumpers, pompanos, leatherjacks, amberjacks, pilotfishes, rudderfishes)Fisheries in Japan, Jacks and Pompanos: Tetuo Tomiyama and Takashi Hibiya (Editors). Japan Marine Products Photo Materials Associati...Fisheries in Japan, Jacks and PompanosFisheries in Japan: jacks and pompanosOval pompanos trevally family paternity test methodCarangidae jureles, pompanosCarangoides bartholomaei (Yellow Jack)