poof 相关例句
用作感叹词(int.)- He walked through-and vanished. Poof! Like that.
Poof!Poof!"Poof!"Pack-a-poofPoof: no more virusesAsymptotic theoKry-poof ignrteeradnydaopmprgorxaipmhastions to minimalPOOF: Part-Based One-vs.-One Features for Fine-Grained Categorization, Face Verification, and Attribute EstimationCore implementation in modified strong and calition poof nash equilibriaSolid dispersion as strategy to improve oral bioavailability of poof water soluble drugsUrokinase-Type Plasminogen Activator Receptors Associate Ewxitthracβe1llaunladrβM3aIntrtiexgCrionms poof nFeibnrtossarcoma Cells: ...