preemptory 相关例句
preemptory challenge不述理由而要求陪审员退席
Foster v. Chatman: Clarifying the Batson Test for Discriminatory Preemptory StrikesBeyond Batson's Scrutiny: A Preliminary Look at Racial Disparities in Prosecutorial Preemptory Strikes Following the Passage of the ...The anticipation of environmental regulation and preemptory firm behavior: A theoretical notePreemptory International Law and SOvereignty: Some QuestionsPreemptory effect of an FERC rate approvalPeople v. Payne and the Prosecution's Preemptory Challenges: Will They Be Preempted?Use of Preemptory Challenges to Exclude Blacks from Petit Juries in Civil Actions: The Case for Striking Preemptory StrikesAIDS Healthcare Group Launches Preemptory Strike Against Viagra SwitchPreemptive cardioversion therapy in an implantable cardioverter defibrillatorSystems and Methods for Adjusting Downshift Points in Vehicle Transmissions