prosperity and decline
英:[prɑˈspɛrɪti ənd dɪˈklaɪn]
prosperity and decline 基本解释
prosperity and decline 相关例句
Boiling Point: Democrats, Republicans, and the Decline of Middle-Class Prosperity. by Kevin PhillipsA BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DERMATOLOGIC MOULAGE IN EUROPE. PART III: PROSPERITY AND DECLINELeadership Origin and Organizational Performance in Prosperous and Decline FirmsFrom Prosperity to Decline: Eighteenth Century Bengal. By Sushil Chaudhury. New Delhi: Manohar, 1995. xvi, 377 pp. $26.00(cloth).The sika deer of Hokkaido and its prosperity and declineCover Story: Economic Growth and Social Decline: How Our Measures of Prosperity Are Taking Us down the Wrong PathREVIEW ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF TRIGONIOIDACEA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE ALTERNATE PROSPERITY AND DECLINE OF UNIONACEA AND TRIGO...Economic Prosperity and Decline of Liao Dynasty as Judged by Its Coinage DevelopmentPost-Industrialism: Prosperity or Decline?The Credit Analysis of Jin Merchant's Prosperity and Decline——Based on Historical System Analysis Method