英:['prəʊtɪəʊs] 美: ['proʊtiˌoʊs]
proteose 基本解释
A proteose is any of various water-soluble compounds that are produced during digestion by the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins short of the amino acid stage.以上来源于:Wikipedia
proteose 相关例句
Urinary Proteose in Asthma.Proteose-peptone whey fraction as emulsifier in ice-cream preparation.Effect of proteose-peptone on the heat gelation of whey protein isolates.Proteolysis of caseins and the proteose-peptone fraction of bovine milkThe composition, structure and origin of proteose-peptone component 5 of bovine milk.Purification and characterization of three proteins isolated from the proteose peptone fraction of bovine milkPhosphorylation, glycosylation and amino acid sequence of component PP3 from the proteose peptone fraction of bovine milk.175. The precipitation of the proteins in milk. I. Casein. II. Total proteins. III. Globulin. IV. Albumin and Proteose-peptoneSimultaneous separation and quantitation of the major bovine whey proteins including proteose peptone and caseinomacropeptide by rev...Separation and characterization of mares' milk alpha(s1)-, beta-, kappa-caseins, gamma-casein-like, and proteose peptone component 5...