英:['(p)terɪlə] 美: ['terələ]
pteryla 基本解释
pteryla 相关例句
[Production of a supplementary pteryla in the chick embryo. I. Morphologic study][The spinal pteryla of the chick embryo: presumptive area, arrangement and embryonic development]A NEW DOWNY PTERYLA IN PASSERINE BIRDS[The mechanisms of the development of the spinal pteryla in the chick embryo]THE METAMERISM OF THE SPINAL PTERYLA, STUDIED IN CHICKEN EMBRYO WITH LOCALIZED X IRRADIATION[On the role of the axial organs in the differentiation of the spinal pteryla of the chick embryo]Shipowners of Cardiff: A class by themselves: A history of the Cardiff and Bristol Channel Incorporated Shipowners' Associationpteryle spinale de l'embryon de poulet: territoire presomptif, arrangement et developpement embryonnaireFeather pattern stability and reorganization in cultured skin.Production d'une ptéryle supplémentaire chez l'embryon de Poulet : II. Analyse expérimentale