pumpkin pie
英:[ˈpʌmpkin pai] 美: [ˈpʌmpkɪn paɪ]
pumpkin pie 基本解释
pumpkin pie
n.pie made of mashed pumpkin and milk and eggs and sugar
pumpkin pie 相关例句
Pumpkin PiePumpkin PiePumpkin PieThis pie uses only a small amount of oil in the crust and skim milk in the filling to make it heart-healthy.For the best of both worlds — pumpkin pie with smooth, delicious filling and a crisp crust — precook both before baking.how to make apple piePumpkin Bread | I Wtk What Pumpkin Treat Are You; Marcio Roberto PieAmerica`s Best Harvest Pies: Apple, Pumpkin, Berry, and More!Yield of varieties of Cucurbita pepo preimmunized with mild strains of Papaya ringspot virus-type W and Zucchini yellow mosaic virus.Net melon performance as affected by the drip irrigation depth and mulching Desempenho do melão rendilhado em função da profundid...Biomassa, concentração viral e sintomatologia de cucurbitáceas infectaspor estirpes fracas e severa do Papaya ringspot virusSweet Potato Pie (Dairy, Gluten/Grain and Refined Sugar Free)