英:['pʌslɪ] 美: ['pʌsli]
pussley 基本解释
n.weedy trailing mat-forming herb with bright yellow flowers cultivated for its edible mildly acid leaves eaten raw or cooked especially in Indian and Greek and Middle Eastern cuisine; cosmopolitan同义词:common purslanepuslyverdolagasPortulaca oleracea
pussley 相关例句
PussleyFrom Biochemical Assays in Cells to Applications in Ranges: An Antidotal Treatment of Intoxication by Pussley (Portulaca oleracea)From Biochemical Assays in Cells to Zoological Applications: A Herbal Antidotal Treatment of Intoxication by Pussley (Portulaca oler...Pussley beverage and its preparation methodFoods and habitat of the gopher tortoise in southwestern GeorgiaDandelion JellyNaturally Yours: "Please Pass The Parsley"The Effect of Purslane Misture Extract on Immune Function of Mice with HSV-2Diatotherapeutic flour for treating diabetes and its production process一种马齿苋口服液及其制备方法