pussy cat 相关例句
- Newly released control tower recordings capture an air traffic controller bantering with a female friend about a dead cat as a small plane flew toward the helicopter.
`Sweet Pea' and `Pussy Cat': An Examination of Idiom Use and Marital Satisfaction Over the Life CycleAIDS: how can a pussy cat kill?THE OWL AND THE PUSSY-CAT: IS THERE A FUTURE FOR "LAW AND DEVELOPMENT"?Are you my little pussy-cat? acoustic, phonetic and affective qualities of infant- and pet-directed speechThe woman of the 1990s An old style matron? A pussy-cat? A businesswoman?The Owland the Pussy-Cat(1871)Roaring tiger, sweet pussy cat: the education of Dean MacCannell‘Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, Where have you been?’An account of intensive psychotherapy with a seven-year-old boy in a special schoolAspirin: tiger or pussy cat?Pussy cat, pussy cat, where have you been?