英:[pju:'tresnt] 美: [pju'tresənt]
putrescent 基本解释
putrescent[ pju:'tresənt ]
adj.becoming putrid"a trail lined by putrescent carcasses"
putrescent 相关例句
Putrescent whole egg solidsThe Bio-Conversion of Putrescent WastesMethod for bio-conversion of putrescent wastesMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR BIO-CONVERSION OF PUTRESCENT WASTESIsolation and characteristic study on putrescent microorganism from pickle radishDisposal apparatus and method for efficiently bio-converting putrescent wastesDisposal apparatus and method for efficiently bio-converting putrescent wastesThe uptake and metabolism of 35 S-labeled volatile sulfur compounds by putrescent saliva.Use of vapor pressure deficit to predict humidity and temperature effects on the mortality of mold mites, Tyrophagus putrescentiaeINFLUENCE OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY ON MORTALITY AND RATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF IMMATURE STAGES OF THE MITE TYROPHAGUS PUTRESCENTIAE (...