pyas 基本解释
pya[ pjɑ: ]
n.100 pyas equal 1 kyat in Myanmar
pyas 相关例句
1.MyanmarcurrencyistheKyat,madeupof100pyas.缅甸的货币为缅元,由100缅分构成。www.kuenglish.info2.Theprocessiseasytooperateandsatisfydemandsofexistingunit,focusingon C5+ in rawpyas.此技术操作简单,易于达到对已有设备的要求,用于处理粗裂解汽油中的C5+组分。
ARACI KURUMLARIN HİSSE SENETLERİ PİYASASINDA GERÇEKLEŞTİREBİLECEKLERİ İŞLEMLERİN SINIRLANDIRILMASINA İLİŞKİN 26 ARALI...Pyas Ek Roop Doelevage ovin aux Pyas - Bas | ClcPreparation of argon-free refractory thin films using RF-DC coupled magnetron sputteringThree-dimensional Monte Carlo simulation of sputtered atom transport in the process of ion-plasma sputter deposition of multicompone...Monte Carlo simulation of argon atoms transport during deposition of W thin films by RF-dc coupled magnetron sputteringIncident ion energy spectrum and target sputtering rate in dc planar magnetronA regression model for a displaced atom cascade under ion sputtering of solidsQuasihard-sphere model in simulation of the processes of particle scatteringIon energies at the cathode of the DC planar magnetron sputtering discharge