Pyrenean 基本解释
The term Pyrenean refers to things of or from the Pyrenees mountain range. See:以上来源于:Wikipedia
Pyrenean 相关例句
Pyrenean orogeny and plate kinematicsGeochemistry and petrogenesis of Eastern Pyrenean peridotitesThe Ecors Pyrenean deep seismic profile reflection data and the overall structure of an orogenic beltSpecies Richness Patterns in the Understorey of Pyrenean Pinus sylvestris ForestSome factors affecting distribution of diatom assemblages in Pyrenean springsNoninvasive genetic tracking of the endangered Pyrenean brown bear population. Mol Ecol 6:869-876Asymmetric exhumation across the Pyrenean orogen: implications for the tectonic evolution of a collisional orogenDensity-dependent productivity depression in Pyrenean Bearded Vultures: implications for conservation.Synergistic effects of past historical logging and drought on the decline of Pyrenean silver fir forestsFractionation of Platinum-group Elements and Gold in the Upper Mantle: a Detailed Study in Pyrenean Orogenic Lherzolites