英:['paɪrɪtɪk] 美: ['paɪrɪtɪk]
pyritic 相关例句
A model of oxidation in pyritic mine wastes: part 1 equations and approximate solutionA model of oxidation in pyritic mine wastes: part 3: import of particle size distributionBacterial and chemical oxidation of pyritic mine tailings at low temperaturesBiological removal of pyritic sulfur from coal by the thermophilic organism Sulfolobus acidocaldariusMicroflora of the H.Y.C. Pyritic Shale Member of the Barney Creek Formation (McArthur Group), middle Proterozoic of northern AustraliaRole and contribution of pure and mixed cultures of mesophiles in bioleaching of a pyritic chalcopyrite concentrateNatural attenuation of arsenic in the Tinto Santa Rosa acid stream (Iberian Pyritic Belt, SW Spain): The role of iron precipitatesMicroscale investigation into the geochemistry of arsenic, selenium, and iron in soil developed in pyritic shale materialsIdentification of temperature-dependent water quality changes during a deep well injection experiment in a pyritic aquiferMossbauer studies of coal and coke: quantitative phase identification and direct determination of pyritic and iron sulphide sulphur ...