英:[paɪərəʊ'fɒrɪk] 美: [ˌpaɪrə'fɒrɪk]
pyrophoric 基本解释
pyrophoric 相关例句
Pyrophoric materials and methods for making the sameNon-pyrophoric, ferromagnetic acicular particles and their preparationA new alumina-supported, not pyrophoric Raney-type Ni-catalystPhysical properties of non-pyrophoric group III precursors for MOVPEImproved cleaning method safely removes pyrophoric iron sulfideSynthesis of Highly Emissive Mn-Doped ZnSe Nanocrystals without Pyrophoric ReagentsAn environmentally benign and catalytically efficient non-pyrophoric Ni catalyst for aqueous-phase reforming of ethylene glycolMagnetocaloric effect in potassium doped lanthanum manganite perovskites prepared by a pyrophoric methodLow temperature electrical transport in Ag substituted LaMnO 3 polycrystalline pellets prepared by a pyrophoric methodElectrical conductivity and low field magnetoresistance in polycrystalline La 1− x K x MnO 3 pellets prepared by pyrophoric method