英:['pɪksi:] 美: ['pɪksi]
pyxie 基本解释
n.creeping evergreen shrub having narrow overlapping leaves and early white star-shaped flowers; of the pine barrens of New Jersey and the Carolinas同义词:pixiepixyPyxidanthera barbulata
pyxie 相关例句
Late formation of a comet Wild 2 crystalline silicate particle, Pyxie, inferred from Al–Mg chronology of plagioclaseLow levels of allozyme differentiation between Pyxidanthera (pyxie-moss) taxa (Diapensiaceae)Lack of Evidence of In-Situ Decay of Aluminum-26 in a FeO-poor Ferromagnesian Crystalline Silicate Particle, Pyxie, from Comet Wild 2Reproductive Ecology of the Sandhills Pyxie Moss (Pyxidanthera barbulata var. brevifolia) in North CarolineAutomobile synchronization regulator gear sleeve dysmorphism pyxie angle bevelerPyxie Moss PressICEIT 2014 : 2014 3rd International Conference on Educational and Information TechnologyMMV 2014 : The 29th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing Multimedia and VisualizationFirst Gen 2014 : On the Boarders of the Academy: Challenges and Strategies for First Generation and Working Class Graduate Students ...AUSSCHALTUNG DER ASPYXIEGEFAHR BEI FRÃHZEITIGEM TRACHEAL-KANÃLENWECHSEL