quailing 相关例句
quail egg鹌鹑蛋
用作名词(n.)- Suddenly the quail hunter threw his net over the remaining quails.
很快鹌鹑猎手就把他的网撒到了剩下的鹌鹑上。 - But if you need a right quail, it has to be fleshly or it dries out too easily.
Dibromidodi-l-hydroxido-di-l3-oxidooctaphenyltetratin(IV)Dibromidodi-μ-hydroxido-di-μ3-oxido-octaphenyltetratin(IV)11853 measured reflections RefinementRefinementDibromidodi-l-hydroxido-di-l3-oxido- octaphenyltetratin(IV)The prognostic impact of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with small-cell lung cancerMethods of Analysis of Canine Uroliths ‡Les Confins Saharo-Tripolitains de la Tunisie (1881-1911) by Andre MartelAnalysis on the characteristics of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in hepatic paragonimiasisTomografia computadorizada de raios-X aplicada à análise da qualidade ambiental de solo no entorno da Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha ...