querier 相关例句
Querier Status表明选定接口是处于查询器模式还是非查询器模式
Other Querier Present Interval其他查询者当前间隔定时器
MetaQuerier: querying structured web sources on-the-flyMetaQuerier over the Deep Web: Shallow Integration across Holistic SourcesEasyQuerier: a keyword based interface for web database integration systemPEPPeR: A querier's privacy enhancing protocol for participatory sensingPEPPeR: A Querier’s Privacy Enhancing Protocol for PaRticipatory SensingPEPPeR: A Querier’s Privacy Enhancing Protocol for PaRticipatory SensingLewis Masquerier and the later development of American Owenism, 1835–1845Towards Building a MetaQuerier: Extracting and Matching Web Query Interfaces.Towards Building a MetaQuerier: Extracting and Matching Web Query Interfaces.Toward Large Scale Integration: Building a MetaQuerier over Databases on the Web