quiescently 相关例句
Globular,non-dendriticmicrostructureisquicklyandefficientlyformedandenables thepartiallysolidifiedslurrytofillthediequiescentlywithminimalporosity.
The single bearing capacityallsurpassthedemandofdesignedcapacitybyverticalquiescentlyloadedtestwith4 piles among 408 constructionpilesinaccordance withrelatedcode.
对4 0 8根工程桩,根据规范要求,抽取4根,进行竖向静载试验,承载力都超过设计要求。
Quiescently frozen ice productsFrozen, low-solids, quiescently-frozen confectionFrozen, low-solids, quiescently-frozen confectionEffect of quench depth on grain structure in quiescently ordered block copolymersHow to distinguish starbursts and quiescently star-forming galaxies: the ‘bimodal’ submillimetre galaxy population as a case studyMolecular Structures of Quiescently Grown and Brain-Derived Polymorphic Fibrils of the Alzheimer Amyloid Aβ9-40Peptide: A Compariso...Stability and circularization of herpes simplex virus type 1 genomes in quiescently infected PC12 culturesHeat stress activates production of herpes simplex virus type 1 from quiescently infected neurally differentiated PC12 cellsHerpes simplex virus type 1 genomes are associated with ND10 nuclear substructures in quiescently infected human fibroblastsReversal of human cytomegalovirus major immediate-early enhancer/promoter silencing in quiescently infected cells via the cyclic AMP...