qwerty 相关例句
- The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard.
Clio and the Economics of QWERTYHandheld device with QWERTY keyboard and displayClio and the Economics of QWERTY 332-337.pdfThe 1line keyboard:a QWERTY layout in a single lineOne-Handed Touch Typing on a QWERTY keyboardClio and the economics of qwerty. Am Econ Rev Pap ProcDevelopment of an SSVEP-based BCI spelling system adopting a QWERTY-style LED keyboardPath Dependence and the Quest for Historical Economics: One More chorus of Ballad of QWERTYQuotes for environmentally weighted recyclability (QWERTY): Concept of describing product recyclability in terms of environmental va...Effect of key size and activation area on the performance of a regional error correction method in a touch-screen QWERTY keyboard.