RAC 基本解释
abbr.reative address coding 相对地址编码;relative address coding 相对地址编码;rectified alternating current 整流交流电;racemic 外消旋的
Rac is a subfamily of the Rho family of GTPases, small (~21 kDa) signaling G proteins (more specifically a GTPase).以上来源于:Wikipedia
RAC 相关例句
Rho and Rac take center stage.Wennerberg, K., Rho and Rac Take Center StageRho and Rac but not Cdc42 regulate endothelial cell permeability.Identification of a mouse p21Cdc42/Rac activated kinase.Rational design and characterization of a Rac GTPase-specific small molecule inhibitorAn essential role for Rho, Rac, and Cdc42 GTPases in cell cycle progression through G1The small GTP-binding protein rac regulates growth factor-induced membrane ruffling.The Small GTPases Rho and Rac Are Required for the Establishment of Cadherin-Dependent Cell-Cell ContactsCharacterization of Rac and Cdc42 Activation in Chemoattractant-stimulated Human Neutrophils Using a Novel Assay for Active GTPasesThrombin receptor ligation and activated rac uncap actin filament barbed ends through phosphoinositide synthesis in permeabilized hu...