Ranier 基本解释
abbr.Ranier Bancorporation (=National Bank of Commerce of Seattle) 西雅图国家商业银行;
n.a mountain peak in central Washington; highest peak in the Cascade Range; (14,410 feet high)同义词:Mount RanierMt. RanierMount Tacoma
Ranier 相关例句
Intima media thickness in childhood obesityDeletion screening of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy locus via multiplex DNA amplification.Automated delivery device and method for its operationReliability of a novel classification system for thoracolumbar injuries: the Thoracolumbar Injury Severity Score.The neural mechanisms of gustation: a distributed processing codeExpression of the Murine Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Gene in Muscle and BrainINCREASING INTERVENTION IMPLEMENTATION IN GENERAL EDUCATION FOLLOWING CONSULTATION: A COMPARISON OF TWO FOLLOW‐UP STRATEGIES33 – MULTIPLEX PCR FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF DUCHENNE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHYPooled Safety and Efficacy Analysis Examining the Effect of Performance Status on Outcomes in Nine First-Line Treatment Trials Using...Increasing teacher intervention implementation in general education settings through consultation and performance feedback.