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In particular,italsodiscoveredsome amino acids ofvirusesofsomegenotypesmightco-reassort.
Thebirdsharbourstrainsunknowninhumansthatcouldreassortwithhumanstrains and give rise tonewhumanpandemics.
H5N1is alsofoundinpigsinIndonesia,raising fearsthatitmightreassortwithother humanfluvirusesthatpigscanharbour.
What reassorts when reovirus genome segments reassort?Do non-linked genes really reassort at random?North American triple reassortant and Eurasian H1N1 swine influenza viruses do not readily reassort to generate a 2009 pandemic H1N1...Sequence diversity within the reovirus S2 gene: reovirus genes reassort in nature, and their termini are predicted to form a panhand...Whole genome analysis of epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus identified limited genome constellations and preferential reassortment.Phylogeographic analysis of avian influenza viruses isolated from Charadriiformes in Belgium confirms intercontinental reassortment ...Genetic stability of cold-adapted A/Leningrad/134/47/57 (H2N2) influenza virus: sequence analysis of live cold-adapted reassortant v...Evidence for common ancestry among viruses isolated from wild birds in Beringia and highly pathogenic intercontinental reassortant H...Phylogenetic and molecular characterization of equine H3N8 influenza viruses from Greece (2003 and 2007): Evidence for reassortment ...Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the coding region of six common rotavirus strains: Evidence for intragenogroup reassortment ...