restitutio in integrum 基本解释
restitutio in integrum 相关例句
The menace of space objectsH I s t o r I a d e L d e r e c h o r o m a n oOn making robots understand safety: Embedding injury knowledge into controlNontraumatic subluxation of the atlanto-axial joint as rare form of acquired torticollis: diagnosis and clinical features of the Gri...Computed tomography follow-up of acute portal vein thrombosis.Replicating and Perpetuating Inequalities in Personal Injury Claims Through Female-Specific Contingencies[Early surgical treatment of cutaneous hemangiomas]Discriminatory Impact of Application of Restitutio in Integrum in Personal Injury Claims[Indagine sulla performance di ciclisti trattati e non trattati con fosfocreatina (PC)]Sexual Wrongdoing: Do the Remedies Reflect the Wrong