英:[rə'mæntɪks] 美: [rə'mæntɪks]
romantics 基本解释
n.富于浪漫气息的人( romantic的名词复数 );浪漫主义作家[画家等];
n.a soulful or amorous idealistan artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism同义词:romanticist
adj.belonging to or characteristic of romanticism or the Romantic Movement in the arts"romantic poetry"
expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance"a romantic adventure"; "a romantic moonlight ride"
not sensible about practical matters; unrealistic"a romantic disregard for money"
romantics 相关例句
romantic love浪漫爱情
romantic movement浪漫主义运动(十八世纪末及十九世纪初西欧掀起的文学艺术运动)
new romantic新浪漫;新浪漫主义
The Romantics on ShakespeareINTELLECTUALS, ROMANTICS AND CULTURAL POLICYII. THE ANTI-ROMANTICS : The Victorian Temper A Study in Literary CultureThe Political Thought of the German Romantics, 1793-1815The early political writings of the German romanticsThe early political writings of the German romantics /Romantics, Rebels and Reactionaries. English Literature and its Background 1760-1830 by Marilyn ButlerLionizing Lone Wolves: The Cultural Romantics of Literacy WorkshopsIntegrating Romantics with Reason, The Lingnan Academy ──The Planning and Architecture Creation for Nanhai School of South China N...Beyond Neopositivists , Romantics , and Localists : A Reflexive Approach to Interviews in Organizational Research Author ( s ): Mats...