rousted 相关例句
- I would advise you to keep out of the way when the teacher is rousting out the bad boys in the class.
Rabbis Rousted On West Bank Really RankledPOLICESAY RUSE ROUSTED GUN, DRUG CACHEHomeless Being Rousted from North Side CampsitesSOME OF CITY'S TEENS DESERVE TO BE ROUSTEDHomeless rousted from park: Cleanup effort also a chance to offer campers housingCOPS ZAP TURKEY WITH TASER WILD BIRD IS ROUSTED FROM HOME HERE.(FRONT)Not-so-faire vultures invade Mount Hope; Rousted from roost at Mount GretnaSKID ROW'S OVERNIGHT CAMPS GET OK CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE SAYS HOMELESS CAN BE ROUSTED IN MORNING`A LOT OF US DON'T KNOW WHERE WE'RE GOING TO GO...' POOR MEN GIVEN NO REASON FOR BEING ROUSTED FROM ROOMS.(Front)Set in an Everglades convent, "Fleeced"relates the self-discovery of a young nun rousted from the saintliness of retreat by the hel...