russ 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- When I told him about Russ I found it difficult to speak impersonally.
The Image Processing Handbook, 2nd Ed.Solution hybrid selection with ultra-long oligonucleotides for massively parallel targeted sequencing.Measuring Mutual Fund Performance with Characteristic-Based BenchmarksThe Mononuclear Molybdenum EnzymesVivaldi: a decentralized network coordinate systemMomentum Investment Strategies, Portfolio Performance, and Herding: A Study of Mutual Fund BehaviorGeneralized linear mixed models a pseudo-likelihood approachMutual Fund Performance: An Empirical Decomposition into Stock-Picking Talent, Style, Transactions Costs, and ExpensesHuman exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) ☆A multidimensional meta-analysis of psychotherapy for PTSD.