rutted 相关例句
in a rut千篇一律;一成不变
- My bike bumped over the ruts.
我的自行车在凹凸不平的车辙道上颠颠簸簸。 - The lane was rutted with tyre tracks.
Rutted fields need remedial tillageEffects of Rutted Surface on Near-Surface Pavement ResponseOn Design of Heavy Repair for the Rutted Urban ExpresswayEvaluating Hydroplaning Potential of Rutted Highway PavementsEvaluating Wet-Weather Skid Resistance of Rutted Highway PavementsPotential Safety Cost-Effectiveness of Treating Rutted Pavements一种防车辙沥青及其制备方法 An anti-rutted asphalt and preparation methodSurvival and growth of planted loblolly pine seedlings on a severely rutted site.A Control Method Utilizing EPS to Reduce Steering Pull When Driving on Rutted RoadsTHE DIAGNOSIS OF ROAD SURFACE DISTRESSES THROUGH IMAGE-BASED MODELING TECHNIQUES. EXPERIMENTAL SURVEY ON LABORATORY-RUTTED SAMPLES