saphenae 相关例句
venae saphenae隐静脉
Die Behandlung mit Paclitaxel reduziert die neointimale Hyperplasie in dermVenenkultur humaner Venae saphenaeQuaestio medica ... An pleuritidi saphenae sectio?Anatomie im Dienste der Ultraschalldiagnostik und der Therapie der VarikoseSeitenästeSeitenästeSignificance and management of acute spentaneous thrombophlebitis in the superficial veins of the lower extremitiesCardiovascular safety of sildenafil in the treatment of erectile dysfunctionFunctional and biochemical analysis of endothelial (dys)function and NO/cGMP signaling in human blood vessels with and without nitro...Toward an Image-Guided Microbeam Radiation Therapy Using Gadolinium-Based NanoparticlesMesenchymal stem cells can be obtained from the human saphena vein ☆